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.Monday 8 August 2011 ♫ 07:58
Her gaze dropped and she quickly turned away. Their argument never seemed to end. Her solid tears flowed out slowly like dew drops in the morning sun. 
"Why can't I end his misery?..."
She thoughtfully whispered under her fading breath. 

Her normal smile turned to a harsh frown when she saw his wounds.
"Hahaha..I cut myself again.." He would nervously laugh. She worriedly examined his cuts, gently rubbing her delicate fingers over them, as though covering them with her own protection. 
She embraced him with her warmth, filling his sorrowful heart with her aching smile. 

She hid all the pain, looking at his suffering. Secretly, she hoped with all her might, she could somehow end it, without them ending up in argument after argument. 

He secretly smiled at how he got her attention. He just wanted, all he wanted was, her attention. Her busy dates, schedule, everything. She hadn't gave him even the slight attention he needed. Ending him up in loneliness and grief, he tried everything just to feel her hug again.

Trying to put all her efforts into improving his life, she didn't care for herself anymore. The only love she knew was caring for only his, disregarding even her own pain and health.

He didn't mean for this to happen. He just wanted her. "I just want her back" he softly murmured. 

Her health continued deteriorating and she started crying for no reasons, only to wake up not knowing what had happened. She would complain like a child about voices and images she heard and saw. He began to worry more for her than he ever did.

She saw the knives laid nicely on the kitchen table just before dinner. Her attention focused on those and only them. The world around her seemed hollow and she began to approach the blades. 

She grabbed the gleaming silvery steel and held it tightly in her grip. The edges landed roughly on her silky skin and pierced the thin vessels in her hand. 

Her attention turned towards him, staring at his helpless body trembling in her sight. He stayed so still. 

She swiftly darted the knives at his neck, swallowing not a drop of shame or guilt. Her long lasting pain overtook her righteousness.


To be continued..?

The truth is always cruel and I want to cover my ears and eyes.

.Sunday 7 August 2011 ♫ 08:47
From the dark, blank stare, the life that was once lost came back again, only to haunt needlessly.

"I used to be weaker than everybody else"

"Every touch of mine deepens the wounds"

"To try and attain the lost love is ever so.."

"The snow around me doesn't melt"

"Help me... I need a heart.."

"I can only pierce, not heal"

The resounding heartbeats echoed into the room of emptiness. Hollow. The sound resonated into the ears of the helpless scissorhands. Alone, yet again.

The world deserted her, as though she was a monster. Countless times, her hands could only hurt anyone she touched.
That's when she decided, "I'll keep to myself". Locking herself up in the dark abyss, she ended her life of misery, locking away the inner depths of darkness... Displaying another mask to end his worries.

Her smiles, her laughs. It all seemed so convincing. Even when he could read her like a book, he couldn't tell which was fake, which was real, if that ever existed.

Her bloodshot eyes couldn't get away with anything. The tears continued to slip down like it was fated to. The pain built up slowly and painfully, filling her chest with utter sorrow and despair. The tremendous torture was huge but surprisingly, she held through, continuing to give her fake smiles. That's what she hated, but all she could do while keeping the abyss down.

Truth be told, he was confused. She would suddenly burst into tears for no reason, then continuing her laughter, like nothing had happened. It was as if she was hiding something from him, which she was doing.

She began to notice his unwanted attention and without thinking, began to cause an upturn of events.

She flipped the chess board over and over, causing so much confusion for him. His mind went into a whirl and he couldn't hold on, "No more...I can't..." He held on still, hoping that her tantrum would end.

But it didn't. She continued going berserk, desperate to keep the darkness kept deep within the inner depths of her already broken heart. It leaked through like blood from a minor scratch, slowly making its way out.

They didn't see each other's problems, and began to think each other as a threat. The life threatening darkness held within them began to surround the silent grasshills, waiting to devour each other. She felt envy, he felt pain. They couldn't understand at first, just glaring at each other as if he or she were a thorn in the flesh.

The mess began to clear, slowly unraveling the deep pain between the two. His demon looked at her sadly, her darkness painfully looking at herself, seeming to be out again. She held her chest tightly, experiencing once again, the pain she never wanted to see ever again.

She let all the pain flow through the old woulds she kept holding back. Slowly, she felt as if she was floating. Her sinking burdens evaporated into the ashes in the air, being swallowed by his demonic creature.

The pain lingered in her body floating in mid-air and within seconds, she felt flat to the ground again, unconscious but had a seemingly soft, angelic smile on her face.

He began to admire the very smile he wished he could place on her round, chubby face once again, after being together for so long. He caressed her soft cheeks as she lay peacefully on the solid ground, undisturbed by the pain.

His unsettled soul began to feel her peace and he laid beside her, not disturbing her sleep. He looked at her and giggled to himself, "It's been a while since you let all that out." He stroked her luscious hair gently. "I'll never let you hurt yourself again..."
He strongly embraced her in his arms and cried gentle, happy tears.

"...I love you, dear. I honestly do, I always do."

Her soft lips began to move, tears filling her angel eyes. "Love is magic, but sometimes, magic is just an illusion..."

He looked at her disapprovingly and shook his head. "Silly, if it was an illusion, you wouldn't be able to hold me here with you, right?"
They softly giggled in the silence and looked out into the scenery.

Perhaps, love really was what brought her sanity back. Perhaps it was really love that managed to pull them through fate's cruel hands. Perhaps love was what all they needed to get through the barriers between them. Perhaps, they really were a match made in heaven.


The truth is always cruel and I want to cover my ears and eyes.

The Lady

Name: Alyce / Rinko
Age: 17
Birthday: 29011996
I'm female, I game, I draw, I cosplay
There's nothing much to say sometimes.


What I want.
-Good job


Sweet Escapes

My Twitter


-May 2011
-July 2011
-August 2011
-October 2011
-November 2011
-December 2011
-January 2012
-February 2012
-March 2012
-April 2012
-June 2012
-July 2012
-August 2012
-October 2012
-December 2012
-March 2013
-April 2013
-May 2013
-June 2013
-July 2013
-August 2013
-September 2013
-October 2013
-December 2013
-January 2014
-March 2014


.As long as you love me - Justin Bieber
.Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab
.Killing our Memories - Fable
.Pieces - Red
.If you cant hang - Sleeping with Sirens
.Suicide Note - Kyle Spratt
.When She Cries - Britt Nicole
.Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
Music Beats

Many Thanks

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