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.Thursday 28 March 2013 ♫ 09:59

That's the song for the day.

Anyway. Hello. Long time no see.

So. Alvin's gone now. I should be moving on. But I don't know.. just feel very attached to him. I miss him, you know. I'm used to it. Used to having him. Sigh. But that's gone now.

That aside. Everything's pretty chill and fine. So much has happened. Work and all. Nothing really special. Fell in love with someone I never wanted to fall for. Nat, you're special, you know? :)

Nat, thanks for being there for me. Love you for being such a dear to me and we hardly know each other. It's fine, this feeling is fine. Even if you left, your kindness would be remembered. Damn I love you. Oh god. What is this HAHHAHA

So. I'm feeling way better than I was just now. So. Yeah. I still hate that Swedish bitch anyway. So yeah :D Her English kills me.

I want to eat at Watami again. Sigh. And Yuzu soda T_T


The truth is always cruel and I want to cover my ears and eyes.

. ♫ 08:12

I'll just put this here as a memo. Because. Events should be taken down on paper.

A: I think it's time to set things straight once and forward.

Me: once and forward. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT

A: For all. Shit.

Me: You have ruined the mood sir.

A: Didn't you say it's time for me to be the bad guy for once?

Me: why should you be when I'm the one already doing that?

A: Then just go find other guys to satisfy you please.

Me: Sigh
When will you realise this is NOT about THAT at all
and it's more about. Oh idon'tknow. Friendship?

A: Ok ok, whatever, I get it.

Me: Okay. I may sound like the most unfeeling bitch you've met, but seriously, whatever happened between us was just something I did for fun and out of boredom, ok?
You could also say I was using you. Think whichever you may like. But I'm the bad guy here.

A: No, I'm happy. In fact I find it better this way. Nothing happened between us, I'm glad.

Me: It's just sad that we aren't talking anymore because of it.
And it fucking sucks more that I'm the main cause of this
And it's all going to happen over and over again with every other guy I've just met.

A: At least you'll never be alone, rinse and repeat.

Me: No. I don't want this.
Everyone is special to me. Love or no love, feelings or not, a friend's still a friend.

A: Sighhhh
What do you want from me then?

Me: I don't know. What do friends normally do.
I mean. Normal. Friends.

A: What my friends do are: Leave me alone to my own devices and only contact me when they need something from me. And I do the same to them too.

Me: And if I need care and concern?

A: Well I don't know, nobody ever comes to me with this kind os tuff

Me: pft. cos you're a guy,
wellllllll. i pretty much left you alone. you came and approached me first :\\

A: Well now I regret it. Ranks up there as my worst ever decisions. All because I can't control myself.

Me: regret what

A: Asking you for it.

Me: Meh. Youth.

A: Yes. So can we just put everything behind us?

Me: Wot.

A: Yes we can.

Me: No we can't


Me: Because the game isn't over yet.

A: Don't.

Me: Did you lose?

A: Yes.

Me: Exactly

A: Therefore game is over. Whatever. Back to main subject.

Me: Oh dammit.
You know. You're as gullible as everyone else.

A: So I've heard.

Me: sigh. that aside. just. thanks. i guess.

A: Alright...
Promise me that you won't like, bug me when I least expect it? Don't make me feel guilty about myself.

Me: like

A: Like. All the time.

Me: ...I get the message.
Bye then.

A: Bye.

The truth is always cruel and I want to cover my ears and eyes.

The Lady

Name: Alyce / Rinko
Age: 17
Birthday: 29011996
I'm female, I game, I draw, I cosplay
There's nothing much to say sometimes.


What I want.
-Good job


Sweet Escapes

My Twitter


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-September 2013
-October 2013
-December 2013
-January 2014
-March 2014


.As long as you love me - Justin Bieber
.Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab
.Killing our Memories - Fable
.Pieces - Red
.If you cant hang - Sleeping with Sirens
.Suicide Note - Kyle Spratt
.When She Cries - Britt Nicole
.Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
Music Beats

Many Thanks

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